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纽约广告营销人职场沙龙 | Women In Analytics

9月29日(周六),在纽约时代广场,我们将举行主题为Women In Analytics的职场沙龙,欢迎所有对数据分析、广告营销、用户洞察等工作领域感兴趣的小伙伴们(包括男士)参加本次活动!

Analytics无论在哪个行业都是高薪职能。不论是近年需求量极高的商业智能(Business Intelligence)、咨询行业的数据分析,还是广告营销领域的效果分析,都属于Analytics的范畴。而Analytics也是对国际生申请H1b Sponsorship最热门的职能之一。

很多人都明白Analytics的市场需求,却缺乏能够启迪自己的行业领路人,在对自己的未来的职业规划及职场晋升都迷茫无措。因此,MarTechApe携手致力于建立Young Professionals社群的NGO组织复旦附中海外基金会,一同举办公益职业分享会。我们邀请到了4位任职于美国知名公司的女性领导人来讨论Analytics领域的求职与职场晋升。


Sangah Bae领导着Neo@Ogilvy的Analytics团队,是该公司的营销分析总监。Neo@Ogilvy是一家全球领先的广告代理商与效果营销网络。Sangah曾在Critical Mass担任营销科学主管。她有着超过10年的营销分析工作经验。工作之余,Sangah也是GCNYC学院的客座教授。

Sangah is a Director of Analytics at Neo@Ogilvy and an Adjunt professor at Glasgow Caledonian New York College. Prior to Neo@Ogilvy, she was a Marketing Science Lead at Critical Mass. She has over 10 years of work experience in Marketing Research and Marketing Analytics.

Angie是Shutterstock的用户研究总监,她擅长设计研究方法来深入理解用户旅程和产品反馈。Shuterstock是全球最大的商业影像素材出版公司,总部位于纽约。在加入Shutterstock之前,她曾在Citi和Edelman担任VP,在奥美也曾有过4年的工作经历,为500强企业与非盈利组织提供用户研究解决方案。工作之外,Angie也是ARF Young Pros的董事会成员。

Angie leads customer insights as the Director of Research at Shutterstock, where she designs custom research to better understand the customer journey as well as product feedback. She previously held roles at agencies including Edelman and Ogilvy, providing strategic research counsel for Fortune 500 and nonprofit clients, as well as training global teams on proprietary tools. She also worked at Citi helping positively impact customer experience through qualitative and quantitative research. Angie is an active board member of the ARF Young Pros, and helped create and runs The Mentoring Loft, a peer-to-peer mentoring program. 

Josephine是Verizon的市场营销效果团队的经理,带领该团队用统计建模的方法优化营销预算。她在统计建模与分析领域有着超过7年的工作经验,擅长营销组合模型、预算优化等各类营销数据分析方法。加入Verizon之前,她在GroupM/Gain Theory担任高级经理,为多个行业的大型企业提供营销渠道效果咨询服务。

Josephine Pan is a Manager of Marketing Effectiveness team at Verizon, leading the optimization initiative in the Marketing team.  She has over seven years of work experience in statistical modeling and analytics, covering a wide range of marketing measurement and macro-economic topics. Before she joined Verizon, she worked at GroupM/Gain Theory as Senior Manager for five years and was major contributor to all aspects of marketing analytics services - marketing mix modeling, optimization, client engagement etc and other types of modeling analysis. 

Celine Fu, 现任职于谷歌纽约,在其6年半的谷歌生涯中担任过YouTube媒介经理,Adwords产品专员,谷歌广告第三方技术认证经理,以及Ads Data Hub解决方案顾问戳这里,阅读她对谷歌广告产品的深度洞察)。Celine曾在谷歌上海,谷歌悉尼分别工作过,精通谷歌各类广告平台以及第三方广告技术公司在行业内的应用,笃信数字时代技术掌控信息传播,数据最终会为产品和决策说话。工作之余,她也是纽约文化沙龙的理事。

Celine Fu is an Ads Solution Consultant at Google. She has been in Google for over 6 years and worked in two other locations (Shanghai and Sydney) before moving to New York.  In her Google career, she worked on various ads products such as YouTube, Adwords, 3rd party ad tech certification and now Ads data hub, provided product and performance consulting to drive large customers' (advertisers and agencies) business grow.

2:00 - 2:30 Registration and Networking

2:30 - 4:30 Panel Discussion

4:30 - 6:00 Networking

时间:9月29日(周六)2:00pm - 6pm

地点:1441 Broadway, 6th Floor(7大道,41街、42街之间),靠近时代广场。


8/29 - 9/10(Early Bird):$25

9/11 - 9/28:$35

9/29 Walk-In:$50





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MarTechApe, founded in 2018, is an E-Learning platform where the skills and expertise needed to succeed in Marketing and Technology are available for anyone willing to learn them. For more information, please visit

Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation (FFOF), founded in 2006, is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit charitable organization dedicated to support education development for students in China. Its namesake beneficiary institution is Fudan Fuzhong (High School Affiliated to Fudan University), a municipal level key high school widely regarded as one of the bests in the city of Shanghai. For more information, you can visit